Corporate Volunteer Days
We run incredible corporate volunteer days at Calthorpe, and we have plenty of repeat clients so we know that they are well received and enjoyed. We ask for a contribution to run these days which covers all associated staff time & materials, plus support towards our ongoing costs, helping us to stay open & free for the local community. The work of our corporate volunteer teams hugely contributes to the upkeep and development of the gardens for the whole community, so we really appreciate your help!
Please click here to download our Corporate Volunteering Brochure, which will give you some more details about how these days work and contains our Ts & Cs.
Fill in our Corporate Volunteering Booking Enquiry Form below!
What to expect?
Depending on the time of year, there will be different sorts of tasks to do in the Garden. There will be a mix of gardening like planting, composting, shredding, and seed sowing, and indoor and outdoor site maintenance like painting or refurbishing. All activities are supervised, but please let us know of any medical conditions prior to the day so we can plan activities accordingly.
We offer half days and full days of corporate volunteering, which we aim to run on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Half day: Morning slot - 9:30am-12:30pm, Afternoon slot - 1:30pm-4:30pm
Full day: 9:30am-4:30pm
These sessions are run by Gaven Duffy, and potentially another member of staff depending on the size of the group.
A typical full day of corporate volunteering would look something like this:
9:30am – Arrive for teas and coffees, history of Calthorpe project, H&S talk and quick tour with description of jobs for the day.
10am – Split into groups, and choose who will be taking on the different jobs.
12pm to 1pm – Lunch! Your team is welcome to bring in lunch and enjoy it in our beautiful garden, or request a catered lunch (subject to availability). We have partnered with the Thenga Cafe to provide lunch for £15.00 per head. Please request lunch in the booking form below if you’d be interested!
1pm – Back to work! Sometimes we switch people around to try different jobs, but often find that they would rather finish what they started for that wonderful feeling of satisfaction!
4:30pm – Volunteering completed! Smiles all around, with an opportunity for some great photos of the team and of the incredible work done.
We can also organise half day volunteering for 3 hours, either AM or PM sessions.
What to wear?
We recommend volunteers wear weather appropriate clothing to ensure they stay warm and dry.
Corporate Volunteering Booking Enquiry Form
Please fill out our booking enquiry form, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
You can find our Corporate Volunteering brochure here.
Check out our corporate volunteering costs below. You can also find these on page 6 of our Corporate Volunteering Brochure
Check out our Terms and Conditions below. You can also find these on page 8 of our Corporate Volunteering Brochure
Corporate Fundraising
Enjoy a closer connection to the Calthorpe Community by donating annually. Click below to find out more!
Local Giving
If you want to volunteer of fundraise at Calthorpe, please get in touch as we’d love to hear from you!
Support what we do
If you would like to support our emergency response to the Coronavirus pandemic, please click on the button below. We are concentrating on those households in our immediate area but we try to support people living further afield or put them in touch with an organisation near them. What you will be supporting:
A food bank for 30 households which is growing week by week
Cooked meals for the most vulnerable
Seeds and compost delivered to people in isolation
A weekly newsletter online and delivered to our immediate neighbours
Art supplies, weekly online activities and exercise videos for children and families